![]() "Research on blocking inflammation in gout by Ali Abdul-Sater, associate professor in the Faculty of Health, has been named one of Arthritis Society Canada’s top 10 research advances of 2023" (read more).
Dr. Abdallah Shami has received the 2023 R.H. Tanner Industry Leadership Award from IEEE Canada5/25/2023
![]() CLAF member, Engineering Professor Dr. Abdallah Shami has received the 2023 R.H. Tanner Industry Leadership Award from IEEE Canada. Dr. Shami "has made pioneering contributions to technology transfer that have been integrated into the products of major international companies. He leads the Optimized Computing and Communications (OC2) Laboratory, where his team has gained an international reputation for its strong contributions to both academic and industrial research." ; read the full announcement here. ![]() CLAF members, professors Christo El Morr, Manar Jammal, Hossam Ali-Hassan published a new book co-authored with Mr. Walid El-Hallak. Book summary: In modern business, it is important to learn and understand the various data analytics approaches. But you cannot do that without a solid understanding of machine learning algorithms. If you are new to Machine Learning and its applications, then this book is for you. This book covers fundamental concepts in Machine Learning in a friendly and easy-to-understand language with hands-on examples that you can implement right away. Link to the book website ![]() "Élie Bou Assi, a researcher in the Neuroscience Research Theme, has been recognized by the Brain Canada Foundation as one of 20 Future leaders in Canadian Brain Research.This important mark of recognition comes with a $100,000 grant over two years. With the 19 other Canadian award recipients, Élie Bou Assi will set out to explore bold avenues of research to refine our understanding of the brain’s workings. Since 2019, Brain Canada has launched its Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research funding competition every year to support researchers starting their careers, namely, within five years of starting their first independent research position at a university. This program is funded by Health Canada through the Canada Brain Research Fund and is financially supported by the Azrieli Foundation, with support from the Alvin Segal Family Foundation, The Arrell Family Foundation, The Barry and Laurie Green Family Charitable Trust, and The Erika Legacy Foundation." (Centre de recherche du CHUM (CRCHUM) ) ![]() Christo El Morr has recently publsihed his second colleciton of poems "One Rose Before the Sun" (Arabic), Arab Scientific Publishic, Beirut, 2022 (Amazon, Publisher website) "Love poems inhabited by the sun, by a poet in love who stands at the top of creativity, scattering his letters kisses that embrace his lines, so we are faced with a crazy, rebellious, passionate and romantic lover poet to the fullest extent. It is Christo El Morr wholly immersed in pure metaphor, pictorial condensation, and question-inducing polemic; about this enigmatic world, the seven heavens, and the wondrous kingdom." (Pulbisher) ![]() خريستو المرّ، "قبل الشمس بوردة"، الدار العربيّة للعلوم - ناشرون، بيروت، 2022قصائد حبّ مسكونة بالشمس، لشاعر عاشق يقف على قمّة الإبداع، ينثر حروفه قُبِلًا تحتضن سطوره، فإذا بنا أمام شاعر عاشق مجنون، متمرّد، شغوف ورومانسي إلى أبعد حدّ، إنّه خريستو المرّ، الغارق كلّيا في المجاز المحض، والتكثيف الصوريّ، والجدل المحرّض على السؤال حول هذا العالم الملغّز، والسماوات السبع، والملكوت المدهش. يقول شاعرنا في قصيدة "هناك": أن أكون هناك هو المُشتهى/ كي تصير ظلالي شموسًا / وأشتهيني إلهًا/ كما أًشتهى/ كنوز الشواطئ حتفي / لذا أكتفي بالذي ليس يكفي / بوجهٍ مضيءٍ تحبّه نفسي / كم تقفّت خطاي رؤايَ / فغابت بلادٌ أمامي / كجسم الغمام / الذي يتفتّت حلمًا، / كرنّة خلخال حبّك حين تذوب / وتُغشي بأحجيةٍ / سدرة المنتهى (...)" في هذا الديوان قصائد حبّ، ورثائيّات، ومناسبات، تطلّ ثيماتها على ثنيّات الفرح حينًا، والحزن حينا أخرى، ويطلّ بينهما شاعر نفسه أمّرة بالعشق، فكان جريئًا واضحًا في تعبيره، وصوره المستبيحة حدود التخيّل أحيانًا، ولكأنّه ينحت الشعر ليكون على شكل حبيبته. إنّه الطفوح الشعريّ بكلّ ارتحالاته وكينونته وانزياحاته والذي لا يقدر عليه إلّا شاعر مثل خريستو المرّ. يقول الشاعر في قصيدة "أجمل الليل": أجمل الليل / هو الذي أفتح فيه عينيّ / حتّى أرى / نَفَسَ الحبّ / في ظلّ شفاهك ساهرًا / أجمل الليل / هو الذي أفتح فيه عينيّ / حتّى أراك وأرى الحبّ منتظرًا / في هلال شفاهك / كي يشعل الوردة الحائرة (...)" يضمّ الديوان قصائد في الشعر العربيّ الحديث جاءت تحت العناوين الآتية: "في الغاب"، "بلادُنا وحبُّنا"، "الجسرُ البعيد"، "أجملُ اللَّيل"، "قبل السفر بقليل"، "سِعَة"، "هناك"، "محمّد"، "صلاة ضحايا"، "صمت"، "قول"، "الغريب"، "نصر؟"، "كيف؟"، "ثورة"، "أمنية"، "أنت حبيبتي" (...) وعناوين أخرى. ![]() Mohamad Sawan is an international authority on biomedical engineering. He is credited with several major breakthroughs, including chip-integrated implantable devices for the measurement and electrical stimulation of the visual cerebral cortex in order to restore sight to the blind, work that has received international recognition. His scientific contributions have been applied in a variety of specialties including audiology, urology, respirology, vision, epilepsy, and limb movement. Read more here ![]() CLAF member Dr. Rula Jurdi publishjes a new collelction of poems. ![]() رلى الجردي، ما بعد الوردة، دار التكوين، دمشق،٢٠٢٢ أفلامُ المدنِ نسخةٌ عن القلبِ، طاحِنة. معدَّاتُ الحفرِ تستيقظُ لتدفنَ نُجومًا لطيفةَ المعشر. بغدادُ الشوارعُ توبِّخُ المشيةَ. الحبُّ يتفرَّغُ للانقسام. (من قصيدة "بلا كيف") ![]() "Research by Ali Abdul-Sater, a York Research Chair in the Regulatory Mechanisms of Inflammation, and an assistant professor in the School of Kinesiology & Health Science, Faculty of Health, has determined that a specific protein, TRAF1, holds the key to controlling inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and a specific mutation to the protein can reduce the amount of inflammation the joints experience. With funding from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the Arthritis Foundation and York University, Abdul-Sater and his research team are currently testing their findings in mice and hope the results will eventually translate to humans." (YFile, York University) Read More here ![]() Professor Mohamad Sawan published a new book titled "Handbook of Biochips: Integrated Circuits and Systems for Biology and Medicine" The book was released early in January 2022. It is done to provide readers content related to all types of biochips, including fundamentals of microelectronics and biomaterials interaction with various living tissues, and focusing on biochips at the brain-machine interface. Published in two volumes, a total of 1340 pages, the 61 chapters are the result of huge efforts spent by a truly international group of experts to offer the best landscape in the field of biochips. "The book provides a broad survey of the field of biochips, including fundamentals of microelectronics and biomaterials interaction with various, living tissues, as well as numerous, diverse applications. Although a wide variety of biochips will be described, there will be a focus on those at the brain-machine interface. Analysis is included of the relationship between different categories of biochips and their interactions with the body and coverage includes wireless remote control of biochips and arrays of microelectrodes, based on new biomaterials." https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-1-4614-3447-4 Dr. Nahida El Assi published and article about reading strategies in the classroom
What are reading comprehension strategies? When a big percentage of students fail in reading, one might put all the blame on the teacher saying they are not teaching the reading skills and strategies, or they are not taking into consideration the learners’ preferred learning styles, or they are not addressing learner’s needs or their tests do not match with the teaching style. In fact, there is a lot more to the reading comprehension process. It is a complex process that is influenced by a number of factors, namely the purpose of reading, the structure of the text, the level of semantic and syntactic complexity, the cultural difficulty of the text, and the reader’s cognitive and metacognitive strategies and age. Follow the link to read the full article : www.structural-learning.com/post/reading-comprehension-strategies-in-the-classroom
![]() صدر عن المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات، في سلسلة مذكرات وشهادات، كتاب لدلال البزري بعنوان يساريون لبنانيون في زمنهم. يتألف الكتاب من 368 صفحة، ويُعنى بيساريين شيوعيين في زمنهم، بدءًا من ستينيات القرن الماضي وسبعينياته: سيرةً وممارسة وفكرًا وخواتيم، بصفتهم ثوريين ![]() At Westlake University, Professor Sawan is leading the Cutting-Edge Net of Biomedical Research and Innovation (CenBRAIN) group consisting of around 25 people, within which are four research professors, 15 PhD students, 2 postdocs, and a number of research assistants and visiting students. CenBRAIN has outstanding lab resources consisting of two complementary sections: Microelectronics and Biological oriented equipment. Major equipment in the Microelectronics’ section includes probe station, wire bonder, flip chip bonder, 1/f noise analyzer, picosecond laser machinery, for chip testing, bonding and packaging. Major equipment in the Biology’s section includes Sartorius molecular interaction analyzer, Zeiss inverted high resolution microscope, cell incubator and shaker, hyperspectral imaging analyzer, and potentiostat electrochemical workstation, for biomedical devices testing and characterization, and wearable fNIRS/EEG device for brain activity monitor and brain disease diagnosis. Read More. ![]() Glendon international studies Professor Hossam Ali-Hassan has been named the recipient of the 2021 President’s University-Wide Teaching Award in the full-time tenured faculty with 10 or more years full-time teaching experience category. Ali-Hassan’s nomination highlighted his balanced approach to teaching, with a mix of technology and human abilities, with approachability and generosity that inspires student success and well-being. In addition, his colleagues mention the complementary relationship between his research, teaching and service to the University in administrative roles. More broadly, his continual self-development through perfecting his pedagogical approach and updating courses to incorporate in-demand skills and real-life experience improve the student experience at York University. More on this post. Public Health Agency of Canada grant CLAF $10,000![]() Dr. Nahida El-Assi (team lead) (Education), Dr. Mohamad Arnaout (Engineering), and Dr. Sahar Hijazi (Psychology) have received a $10,000 grant from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The project titled "Let Us Bust The Myth That COVID19 Is A Challenge!!" aims at raising awareness about the need for vaccination and spreading valid information about the vaccine. CLAF is proud to be actively involved in the fight against covid-19. Recently, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) has asked its members to censure the University of Toronto (U of T). An offer to Dr. Valentina Azarova for the job of the director of the International Human Rights Program was extended and then rescinded following pressure from a doner who is, apparently, an uncritical and credulous supporter of Israel.
Dr. Azarova is a renowned scholar and a human-rights lawyer based in Germany. Some of her academic work focused on the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Specifically, she targeted the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and the legal responsibilities of Israel’s partners. This story shows the meddling of private doners with academic institutes, jeopardising academic freedom, and the relentless campaign against pro-Palestinian academics and supporters in North American universities. We at CLAF denounce the U of T, support CAUT’s sanction call, and call on U of T to offer Dr. Azarova the position. Westlake University-IET Prestige Lecture Series Debuts with CLAF Board Member Mohamad Sawan4/26/2021
Westlake University-IET Prestige Lecture will make its debut this Friday with the first lecture of the series delivered by Professor Mohamad Sawan. This lecture will cover artificial intelligence algorithms, circuits and systems intended to implement brain interfaces dealing with multidimensional design challenges such as power management, low-power high-data rate wireless communication, and reliable harvesting energy methods.
Refreshments will be provided! You can also watch the lecture online through ZOOM meeting or Bilibili livestream. Lecture Information Title: Smart Medical Devices to Predict and Enhance Health Conditions Date: Friday, April 30, 2021 Time: 14:30-16:00 (UTC+8) Speaker: Professor Mohamad Sawan Host: Professor Michael Reed Language: English Event Form: Onsite + Online Venue: Lecture Hall, Building 5, Yunqi Campus, Westlake University Join in online (ZOOM meeting + Bilibili livestream) ZOOM meeting link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81451258816 ZOOM conference number:814 5125 8816 Bilibili livestream: https://live.bilibili.com/22531584 Registration Due to space limitations, please scan the code below via WeChat to get registered! (Registration will be closed by 17:30, April 29.) So, what is next after passing Bill C7? Our collective response to this question requires deep soul searching as a nation. If we stand still on this bill, we risk obscuring the core of what we stand for; that is, disabled life reflects the sacredness of life itself; it is NOT life less worth living.
More than 110 participants attended Mr. Adam Chehouri on Onshore Wind Technology
Saturday February 13, 2020 10:00 AM EST Introduction to Onshore Wind Technology |
CLAF Board Member Dr. Abdulmotaleb Saddik pubishes (with M. Shamim Hossain and Burak Kantarci) a new edited book titled "Connected Health in Smart Cities."
CLAFCanadian Lebanese Arab Federation |
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